Posts Tagged ‘flap flip’

It’s Just Another Flap-Flip Friday

Hello frendz…

So, since it’s too dang cold out to go for long walks, I’ve been amusing myself with activities that I can do inside. You know, reading books, watching the tube, knitting….ok who am I kidding, I’ve been NAPPING most of the time. Or staring at my dad until carrots are deposited into my mouth.

I figured some of you guys might also be experiencing the winter doldrums so I thought I’d learn ya something today: How to do the infamous “Flap Flip“.

Depending on your region, you may also know it as the “Meh? Muzzle”, the “Shaggy Sneer”, or the “Bemused Gregory”. Yeah, that last name never really caught on.

Step 1: Avoid water for about 1 hour. We want to get our mouth nice and dry for maximum muzzle-flap stickage.

Step 2: Let out a GIGANTIC yawn. You may optionally make a high-pitched squeeking noise while yawning that I like to do approx. 3 inches from the face of a sleeping human at breakfast time.

Step 3: Let your arid mouth and lack of snout work to your advantage as you slowly close your jaws. Often a lower anterior snaggle tooth can aid in the process.

Step 4: Gaze in the mirror at your amazing “Flap Flip”.

This face is best used when prompted with inane questions like “Are you a good boy?”, or “Wasn’t that a FUN walk we just went on?”. Good luck!

Have a FLAP-tastic weekend, doodz and doodettes.

Flap-flip Friday!

OMG, you guys, I just did a photo-shoot for my upcoming memoir, Profiles in Flap-Flippage by Sir Siddhartha Lamont Pug, the King of Planet Cool Sid and the Only Sane Mammal Living at the Pug Slope Headquarters, who rose to Staggering Heights using only the Power of his Flippable Muzzle Flaps and Who Really Should be Eating Right Now, I mean, Really, People, Get this Pug Some Food CAN’T YOU TELL HE’S STARVING; forward by Miss Timothy Buttons.  

Too Cool For School

I think Sid’s t-shirts give him a little TOO MUCH confidence sometimes.

Now that he’s mastered both how to ascend onto the back of the couch AND the wistful stare off into the distance combined with a rebellious sneer, he thinks he’s as cool as James Dean.

Thank goodness he doesn’t know how to ride a motorcycle (yet).

Stay away, baby, I’m nothin’ but trouble.

Flap-flip Friday!

Today’s marvelous flap-flip celebrates the arrival of Sid’s new friend, Carla!  Carla’s cousin Carlos checked in this morning, too, but he must be camera-shy or something.  He’s hiding on the inside of Sid’s muzzle flap, right above Carla, the extrovert. Apparently the recently-evicted Carl sent post cards home to his entire extended family, and now they’re all eager to vacation on Sid’s face.  Can you blame them?  Look at that mug!

Did Someone Order a Flap Flip?

This is an example of Sid doing one of his many cute faces. We call this one the “flap flip” because it’s caused by the side flaps of his face getting flipped up onto his his lower lip or lower teeth. This usually happens after a yawn. Or when he’s feeling bratty and wants to give us ‘tude.