If you happened to stop by Pug Slope HQ on Monday, this is what you would have seen:


Now, it’s not usual for Sid to be chillin’ in his bed most of  the day. While I work from home, he usually is catching his much-needed Z’s (being cute and demanding treats is exhausting work, people!). But on Monday, he was sitting in this position, fully awake, the whole day.

Here’s the reason:


Meet “KC”. At the time this photo was taken, we didn’t know that was her name. Let me back up a bit.

The day started out pretty normal. While Sid and I were out for our morning walk, a frisky, friendly black pup ran up to greet Sid. The odd thing was that there was no human accompanying her and she had no collar, harness, or leash attached to her. The city streets are certainly not a safe place for a dog to roam around like that so I plucked Sid into my arms and wrapped Sid’s leash around her neck to prevent her from darting into the street.

As you can tell from the photo, KC ended up accompanying us back to Pug Slope HQ. Then began the hunt to find her family. Lucky for her, the local vet found she had a microchip and had been adopted from a local dog rescue called PAWS Chicago. Unfortunately, the phone number that came up on the microchip was out of date and was disconnected (*). I posted on craigslist and a Facebook group called Lost Dogs Illinois. I also ran into a local dog walker who pretty much knows every dog in the neighborhood by name – she said KC looked familiar but she wasn’t sure who her owner was. I also put up a few signs around the neighborhood on my way to pick up some carryout lunch (trying to multi-task!). While I tried to get some actual work done during the day, KC whined in the kitchen and Sid sulked in his bed and gave me the stink eye. I think he was afraid KC was going to be a permanent resident of Pug Slope HQ. After a few hours of constant whining and barking from KC and no response to my lost dog posts, I was starting to share Sid’s fears.

Near the end of the work day, I got an email reply from my craigslist posting. Was it really KC’s parents? I wanted to be sure she was being returned to her proper home and not some weirdo. The friendly folks at PAWS Chicago were actually able to verify that the people that had contacted me were in fact KC’s real parents. So KC ended up getting home just in time for her dinner! Turns out she only lives 3 blocks away and had escaped from her yard that morning.

Sid was relieved. So was I.

(*) If your pet has a microchip, please be sure to keep that information up to date!

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5 Responses to “KC”

  1. avatar Idaho PugRanch Says:

    Sid, you were very gracious to share your home with KC to keep her safe while her family was found. Tell your dad you need extra treats tonight!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  2. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    What an awesome story! Glad it had a happy ending for everyone. 😉

  3. avatar tweedles Says:

    Oh Sid, I understand you were sooo worried,,,, and I know deep in your heart that your so happy the doggys home got found.
    Now I have a feeling your back to feeling normal.

  4. avatar Southern Fried Pugs Says:

    You are absolutely right that we have to keep the numbers up to date! We have several numbers listed with the chip company but it’s easy to forget to update them. So glad this story had a happy ending.

  5. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ (@MeredithLeBlanc) Says:

    We love a happy ending!

    Meredith & Scarlet