Pug-nic in the Park!

Last Saturday we woke up and realized that for the first time since we’d arrived in Brooklyn we had absolutely no errands to run.  No trips to Ikea out in Red Hook.  No treks up to the Container Store near Union Square.  No crowded subway rides to the TriBeCa Bed Bath and Beyond.

So what to do?  Picnic in the park, of course!

Our apartment is only about a half a block away from Prospect Park – a beautiful, gigantic park in the middle of Brooklyn.  Its longmeadow is packed with picnickers, kite-flyers, and assorted fun-havers every weekend.

At our apartment, we gathered a host of delicious food, ice cold drinks, and assorted candies and packed them up in a basket.  “It will be perfect,” we thought.  “We’ll sit on our blanket, relaxing, spreading brie and figs on our fresh bread while the dog relaxes in the sun…”

Then we remembered who our dog was, unpacked the human food, and repacked the basket with Sid snacks.  In the battle between our desire to enjoy food while sitting on a blanket and Sid’s manic reaction to anything edible, Sid wins.  It’s just not worth fighting.

Regardless, it really was a beautiful day at the park for the whole family.  I got some reading done, Brian brought his acoustic guitar along, and Sid got four refills of venison jerky in his Kong treat bone.

Here’s a few more photos of Sid going to town on his Kong bone and sitting stoically in the park:

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