Webcam Wackiness

Just in case you were wondering, this is what happens when you have a pug sitting on your lap during work and suddenly remember that your laptop has a webcam.


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5 Responses to “Webcam Wackiness”

  1. avatar tweedles Says:

    Those kind of photos are called “honest and true- living in the moment photos”!

  2. avatar Idaho PugRanch Says:

    Oh those Peeps! Put them on camera and they get a little goofy!
    I think your Dad appreciated the kiss Sid.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  3. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    Haha! These are great photos! Made me smile. And that kiss is so sweet. Inside we all know you are a softy Sid.

  4. avatar Steve Inman Says:

    Looks like the best way to work, with your bud!

    Love, Gampy

  5. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ (@MeredithLeBlanc) Says:

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! That’s too much cuteness!!!!

    Meredith & Scarlet