Here Comes the Sun


Over the past few days I’ve noticed a shift in the light coming into Pug Slope HQ. We have a large window that faces pretty much due East, and, after living here just over a year now, it’s quite incredible to see the position of the sun in the sky change so dramatically throughout the seasons.

I understand that the tilt of the Earth’s axis causes this effect as we whiz around the sun each year, but it just didn’t “hit home” until I could see how noticeable the light changes in my apartment. In winter the sunlight comes so much more from the South. However, now it’s arc is slowly moving Northward and the sun appears higher in the sky. This makes the nerve center of Pug Slope (the dining room, which is where my home office is located) very bright and sunny in the morning and throughout much of the day.

Sid seems to also enjoy the extra sun we’ve been getting inside and has been hopping from sunny spot to sunny spot.

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7 Responses to “Here Comes the Sun”

  1. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ (@MeredithLeBlanc) Says:

    We love the sunshine, it’s finally coming out here too!

    Meredith & Scarlet

  2. avatar stella rose Says:

    Oh we love the sun as long as it doesn’t come wif 104 degrees temp. or we hide under the table in the shade.
    stella rose

  3. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    We love the sun too, and you won’t believe it but we broke 70 degrees here! But it’s supposed to snow on Wednesday. Boo!

  4. avatar retro rover Says:

    Sid you look so cute in your photo. We are desperate for the spring and just cant wait. Thanks for Weasley birthday wishes and buy the way I (mom) did not make the neck scrunchie accessory as I sadly cannot sew a button, but its probably really easy and I bet your talented aunt could make it or your dad no problem

    retro rover

  5. avatar tweedles Says:

    we need some sun too

  6. avatar Idaho PugRanch Says:

    We had a nice day Saturday, but windy and rainy today. Butt we thinks that spring is finally close at hand.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta
    Pee Es
    looking mighty handsome there Sid!

  7. avatar Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney Says:

    We are ready for more daylight when mama gets home from work!

    Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney