Posts Tagged ‘treats’


This week is Sid’s Birthday week. His actually Birthday is on Saturday but he likes to extend the period of celebration – mostly because it means he gets spoiled with treats for a whole week instead of just one day.

I was browsing some potential Birthday items online the other night and I noticed Sid snooping over my shoulder. I told him that his Birthday presents are meant to be a surprise and he should cover up his eyes so he couldn’t see what I was ordering.

He bolted to his bed and ducked under his lion toy. I went back to the computer to load more things into my shopping cart.

About ten seconds later, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed this:


C’mon Sid! I said NO PEEKING!

Here, Fishy Fishy

Well folks, I survived two weeks of stinky, messy wet dog food (of course Sid loved the stuff). Not only is wet dog food foul to the human olfactory system, it’s also much harder on the wallet than dry food. I’m glad Sid still has plenty of healthy teeth left to crunch on hard food!

Since harder-chewing items like antlers are out of the mix for now, I found a softer, yet more stinky, alternative: ROLLED SALMON SKINS!


Whenever I hold something in my hand and start talking in a higher-than-normal voice, Sid knows he’s in for something good.

He made a bee-line for his bed and started smacking his lips and spinning in circles.


Once he got the fish skin in his mitts, he immediately knew what to do with it. He has good instincts. Actually, on second thought it’s probably not a very smart idea to assume that everything presented to you is edible but that’s the way he operates.


It actually took a Sid a good amount of time to soften and eat the delectable treat although I wish it would have lasted him a little longer. The worst part was when he got near the end and kept trying to wolf the “bite-size” morsel down. Took him a few attempts (ew!). Luckily they are not messy and the smell is much more tolerable than wet dog food so win-win!


The Citrus Moonwalk

Thank you to everyone for your concerns over Sid’s b.c. stash. After some initial hesitancy, Sid actually got talking to the Easter Bunny and pretty soon they were kicking back, sharing war stories, and both nibbling on baby carrots from Sid’s stash! It was a bit surreal.

I took a little trip for a few days last week so Sid was in the care of Aunt Anna and Uncle Andrew. Anna kept me updated with Sid’s shenanigans and apparently he was on very good behavior. I think was due to the fact that he got to spend lots of time cuddled up on the couch and was also treated to daily KONG’s filled with b.c.’s and peanut butter. I’m pretty such he was hoping that I would extend my trip for a couple more days.

Well, prior to my trip I was able to record Sid doing one of his “signature moves”, which I call “The Citrus Moonwalk”, although the word “Citrus” could probably be replaced with any type of edible, since he’s not very particular and is apt to unleash this same move with the promise of any kind of snack.




I have a travelled many light years to reach your planet. I come in search of treats.





Hey there Slopers – it’s me Sid today.

I hope you  all are staying warm and cozy. It’s been so dang cold here that I wish my dad would just buy some of those wee-wee pads so I can stay inside until Spring.


So I read on the internet that we’re supposed to leave cookies out for Santa to provide him the stamina required to deliver all those millions of presents and treats to humans and pugs around the world. So I asked my Dad to set out some cookies and almond milk (I also read Santa is lactose intolerant).


But I couldn’t help staring at the cookies; they were calling out to me. “Sid! Sid! We’re so tasty and filled with PEANUT BUTTER! Please eat us!”

It was UNBEARABLE to have them just sitting there, mere inches from my muzzle.

Then my little pug brain started thinking, with all the other BILLIONS of pugs and humans on planet Earth, doesn’t Santa get all the cookies he needs? Surely he’s not going to miss a few small Nutter Butters, right?

I thought perhaps my Dad would agree with my logic but he insisted that I could not eat any of the cookies. Being the persistant pug I am, I respectfully bowed down (you know, like you’re taught in gentle-pug finishing school) and dipped my head as low as it would go and repeated my plea.

But still my Dad denied me the cookies.

Humbug! Oh, well. I’m sure I’ll get lots of cookies later tonight and tomorrow. It’s just so hard to BE PATIENT when you’re a pug!

The Whiner

Sid is going to hate me for posting this, but I think you all need to get the FULL STORY about Sid. At Pug Slope, we strive for HONESTY. Sid’s not always the calm, chilled-out dude he purports to be.

So, today I present another side of Sid. A side that makes an appearance every day precisely at noon – when I prepare his favorite lunchtime treat.

Hallowhere’s Ma Treatz?

Halloween is just a big tease. Humans everywhere, especially the tiny ones that poke at your eyes and try to grab your tail are practically DROWNING in treats. But what have I got? Just a photo of myself in a costume that’s a bit too snug in certain areas (memo to self: have Dad let out waist of Halloween costume).

My Dad brought home this gigantic bag of Monster Munch. I mean the stuff sounds amazing, right? Plus it’s made of potatoes which I’m pretty sure I can eat. However, he ate the ENTIRE BAG HIMSELF! I didn’t get to try even ONE FLIPPIN’ MUNCH!

This is outrageous.

Since it’s been raining all day today, I thought it’d be the perfect day to stage a Poop Strike. What’s a Poop Strike you ask? Oh, why it’s only the BEST WAY TO GET BACK AT YOUR HUMAN FOR SWINDLING YOU OUT OF YOUR FAIR SHARE OF MONSTER MUNCH. I’m going to make sure it’s raining hard when we go out for our evening walk. And then we’ll walk and walk and walk some more. By this point my Dad will be SOAKED TO THE BONE. And guess what I’m NOT going to do? Yep. Poop. It’s the sure way to drive a human bonkers. If any of you other pugs out there got the shaft this Halloween I suggest you do the same. And if you DID get TONS OF TREATS, maybe you could, you know, mail me some? Pretty please?