Archive for September, 2011

Purple Polka-Dot Happy Good-Time Pug

Yes, Sid is wearing a purple polka-dotted bootie.

In the midst of all the excitement over Sid’s new pug-mate last week, we noticed that our handsome husky* guy was having a very…odd…health issue.

Between his toes, on his back right paw, were some weird growths.  Sid doesn’t like having his feet touched, so we were attempting to piece together the facts based on repeated split-second views of his foot.  It looked like one of the growths was big and round, and the other was long and skinny – Brian claimed he saw a nail growing out of the long one and he was convinced that Sid was growing a mutant toe.  I, meanwhile, was trying to keep an open mind and set off to Googling phrases like “dog toe growths” and “dog mutant paw anomalies” and “pug prosthetic limbs discount.”

We set up an appointment for Saturday morning with our very patient vet, Dr. Quim, at the Prospect Park Animal Clinic. Sid reluctantly let Dr. Quim take a good look at his toes, and Dr. Quim was pretty sure it’s just a viral papilloma (or, in layman’s terms, a wart).  But, he wanted to do a biopsy, just in case, so Sid got to spend his weekend wearing this jaunty purple polka-dotted bandage, which, considering that dogs are color-blind and not particularly amused by patterns, and also considering the bandage was wrapped around his foot immediately after we watched him scream in pain during the biopsy and subsequent cauterization of the affected area, is obviously designed to promote the healing of both the pet’s foot and the parents’ mental health.

I mean, how could your mood not perk up when you look at this silly thing?

We were able to take the polka-dot bootie off his foot yesterday, and we should hopefully hear from the vet in the next few days with the results of the biopsy – We’ll keep you posted!

*More on Sid’s newfound “huskiness” tomorrow.

Holiday Weekend Equals Relaxation

Starting with Hurricane Irene and ending with Hurricane Timothy Buttons, we’ve had such an exciting week that we’re ready for a little relaxation this weekend.

Sid’s already started early.

Hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend! Extra treats for everyone!


Man, that Timothy is one sassy lady-pug.

Earlier we overheard her saying to Sid: “First we wrestle, then we practice our synchronized breathing, and then you get a kiss.”


House Guest

Today is an exciting day at Pug Slope headquarters. Our pug count has doubled.

Timothy Buttons, Sid’s girlfriend, is spending the night. Yeah, I know this is a little controversial considering they’ve only been on one official date, but they have also hung out on numerous occasions at Prospect Park off-leash hours and who are we to stand in the way of love, right?

Timothy is a much younger pug than Sid, though, and he’s been having a hard time keeping up with her. His usual laid-back morning rest time has been replaced by hi-velocity madcap chase after hi-velocity madcap chase. This was his expression about 10 minutes into their 4th chase:

It’s been near-impossible to get any of our actual work work done today due to the compulsive need to grab our phones/cameras in order to document the hilarity that is ensuing around us.

More to follow…