Posts Tagged ‘sunbathing’


We’ve been getting some powerful sun the past few days here at Pug Slope HQ, even first thing in the morning. It’s a nice welcome from all the rain we got earlier this month!


Sid has been getting up extra early in order to have ample time to head-butt his bed over to the most prime sunbathing spot.

The Spotlight

Leave it to a pug to always find their way into the spotlight — even while napping.


The Sunbathing King

Has everybody taken their sunbath today?


Sid, the self-proclaimed “King of Sunbathing”, insists that a daily sunbath is essential to living the complete pug life of leisure (only eating/acquiring treats is more important). He firmly abides by the motto: “Why snore in the shadows, when you can lounge in the light?” I guess I agree with his philosophy – although my fair skin doesn’t handle direct sun exposure very well. I do love the warming effect though, especially since this Midwestern Spring keeps coming and going!

P.S. I also wanted to post a picture of some lovely pink rhododendron flowers I saw over the weekend at the Garfield Park Conservatory (sorry, Sid, pugs were not allowed). These flowers reminded me of Sid’s good pal, Payton the pug, and I’d like to dedicate them to her memory. We miss you, Payton!
