Posts Tagged ‘Fresh Direct’

Pug Direct

Um, so, Sid read the blog yesterday, and now he’s all embarrassed.  Apparently I wasn’t supposed to write about his new girlfriend and their big date and how IN LURV he is.  Also, I’m supposed to tell you that we “made him” wear that bow-tie and then I’m supposed to post a photo of him dressed in his “cool” clothes.


So, now, like any teenage pug who’s been mortified by their mother, Sid is acting out.  I found him this morning trying to mail himself to Fresh Direct, our grocery delivery service, because we, apparently, don’t understand him the way Fresh Direct understands him and if he lived at Fresh Direct he could eat all the Ginger-O’s and apples in the warehouse whenever he wanted and Brian and I wouldn’t be there to say “Leave it!” or “Uh-oh!” and he probably wouldn’t even have to sit or stay or Jimmy or ANYTHING before eating ALL OF THE DELICIOUS FOOD HE COULD GET HIS PAWS ON.
