Posts Tagged ‘dental’


Hey all you lovely Pug Slopers!

Sid here with you today. My voice may seem louder today because it is being amplified by the enormous cone surrounding my head.


Worry not, though, my friends. All is well with this pug. I am just recovering from a long vet visit on Monday. I went in for a dental cleaning and surgery to remove a small mass that was growing on my eyelid. Luckily I was knocked out for the whole thing so I didn’t feel a thing. The talented Dr. Delia and the awesome staff at Duke Animal Hospital took excellent care of me the whole day.

Although I had a few teeth extracted, got my eyebrow fur shaved off, and went without food for 24 hours prior to the surgery (yep, it was the worst), I’m loving the soft dog food I get to eat for the next two weeks! I like to make a real mess of it, too. My dad can’t stand the smell of the wet food. Let’s just call it payback. Ha ha!

While everything appears to be healing well, if you could send some positive pug juju my way I would be ever grateful! THANK YOU!

xo Sid

Post-Dental Recup

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes during Sid’s dental cleaning. I always worry whenever he has to be given anesthesia and it was comforting to know everyone had their fingers and paws crossed for him.


I’m happy to report he made it through the cleaning A-OK and did not require any extractions. Woo hoo! So, needless to say, he has happily returned to his normal routine of being spoiled (rotten) with treats.

I only hope he’ll eventually forgive me for making him fast for so long!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Fasting Bites

Hi there Pug Slopers!

Sid here today. I’m sorry if I seem a little grouchy today. It’s because I’ve been FASTING.


If you’re a pug, the concept will be completely foreign to you because we are not programmed to fast. I had to look up the term on google and basically it means CHOOSING to NOT EAT. Sorry, my brain just fizzled for a second while I attempted to process that concept.

See, I have to get my teeth cleaned today and I’m not supposed to have anything in my system when they do the cleaning. So the last morsel of food I had was YESTERDAY at NOON! Can you believe it? I bet you can’t, but it is most certainly true.

It is NO FUN, let me tell you.

I keep giving my dad the stink eye, but I’ve been unable to break him like I usually can. He gives a deep sigh every time I follow him into the kitchen since he can’t even give me a tiny baby carrot. He can’t look me in the eye, which I think means my fasting is hard on him, too, because he does like to spoil me (most of the time).

Please send me good juju for my dental cleaning today. I don’t want ANY extractions and don’t want the bill to totally eradicate my treat funds, either. Let’s just get the teeth sparkly clean, the nails trimmed, and get back to our normal eating routine.

On the plus side, my Dad said that once I’m done with my dental, I’m going to get SPOILED with treats and even get some extras for the ones I missed while fasting. At least that is something to look forward to!

Wet Food Rulez

Halloooo all you beautiful denizens of Pug Slope!

Thank you all for your support during my grueling 24-hour fast and dental exam last week. Although I lost a few bad teeth I’m feeling much better and have quickly resumed most of my usual activities.


See, I’m already back to chewing on my plush potatoes. I can’t have anything too tough yet though. Can you believe my Dad thinks my Kong and Wigzi ball fall into the “too tough” category?! Dad, they are MADE OF RUBBER for cryin’ out loud!

I guess I can’t really complain though because in lieu of my lunchtime Wigzi or Kong, I’ve been playing the “Find It!” game every day around noon. How it works is that my dad cuts up a couple baby carrots into tiny pieces (so I can just suck ’em down instead of trying to chew them since I still have some stiches in my mouth) and then makes me go sit in my bed. I get all psyched up and start spinning around at that point because as soon as he yells “FIND IT!” he chucks all the b.c. chunks into the air and then then I go on a “seek and destroy” or rather “seek and devour” mission. Unlike the Kong or Wigzi, which takes me like 20 mins, this game usually only lasts about 45 seconds (much to my Dad’s dismay). What can I say, I was born to suck down baby carrot chunks.

Oh and finally, WET FOOD RULEZ! I get so amped up whenever I hear a can being opened now. I don’t know how I’m going to go back to dry dog food next week. Actually, who am I kidding? I’ll eat anything: wet or dry, warm or cold, safe or UNSAFE. I’m certainly not picky.

We Made It!


Thank you all so much for all your thoughts and positive juju while Sid underwent his dental yesterday. I spent most of the day worrying and Sid probably wasn’t having too great of a day either (multiple extractions!) but I’m happy to report we both survived and are now enjoying our beautiful 80-degree day!

(Although I’m still not sure he’s forgiven me for the 24-hr pre-op ban on food and treats.)

Give Me Strength


The day I’ve been waiting for dreading for the past month has finally arrived.

The day BEFORE Sid’s dental.

Now, the actual day of the dental is stressful due to the fact that, as many of you know, they have to knock my poor little guy out with anesthesia, and the presentation of the vet bill is no laughing matter as it often tallies up to an exorbitant figure on par with most apartment rent payments, but what has really been haunting me in my dreams for the past month is this tiny flat face when I have to explain to those adorable little brown eyes that breakfast is the ONLY FOOD YOU’RE GOING TO GET FOR 24-HOURS. No snacks, no treats, no lunch-time Wigzi, no dinner tonight, no breakfast tomorrow. Absolutely NO BABY CARROTS.

So I ask for all of your help to give me the strength to deny this poor little guy what he oh so desires.

How I wish there were a way to explain to him that after his dental life will be grand again. Treats will resume (only soft ones at first) and CANS UPON CANS OF DELICIOUS SMELLY WET DOG FOOD will be his for the taking.