Posts Tagged ‘Change the Game’

Change the Game

Do you try to play by the rules but never get what you want? Are you frustrated when you do what “the man” tells you but are never rewarded for it? …well then why not CHANGE THE GAME!

I, Siddhartha Lamont, am planning to share my industry secrets with all you fellow pugs and non-pug dogs out there that want to “get theirs”, in my brand new segment…

Today’s installment: “A Little Tipping Goes a Long Way”

Does the following sound like a common situation for you? It’s between-meal time, so of course you’re like STARVING, and your human has the audacity to sit down at the table and start eating something. Ever the obedient companion, you park your keiser next to them and sit, calmly and politely, as you’ve been instructed.

Despite this dazzling display of your mastery of the sit command, your human mindlessly chows down on their grub paying you no mind. You bark. Your human rudely shushes you. What is a pug to do in this situation?

Well, my friends, all it takes is a little tip.

I’m not talking about advice…I mean a LITERAL TIP…of your cute little perfectly-round pug cranium. Like so:

No human can resist this maneuver. It’s a proven fact. In fact, I just proved it right now while you were busy reading this article and guess what – I’m 2 baby carrots fatter now. BOO-YA!

Did I just blow your mind? Why yes, I did. Sorry, here’s some paper towel to clean up the mess.